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Cookies are yummie! Accept all :)

Perfect cookies should have wrinkly, textured tops, crispy edges and must be chewy in the middle. Cookies are produced in a huge variety of styles, using various ingredients such as spices, jam, chocolate, raisins, peanuts, nuts, or dried fruits. The most famous cookie is probably the irresistible chocolate chip cookie.

The word cookie comes from the Dutch word “koekje” which means little cake. Cookies are usually baked until crisp or for just long enough to remain chewy in the middle.

The binding agent in a cookie is usually some kind of fat. These fats, in the form of butter or vegetable oils are more viscous than water and provide the chewy crunch.

Cookies are very suitable for industrial production in large quantities. Baked cookies of course, have a limited shelf life; unbaked cookies, on the other hand, can easily be stored deep frozen for a long time.

Used techniques
Dough: Gearwheel Depositor, Drop TT
Decorating: Strewer

Processes a very wide range of different products and reaches a high production speed together with a high level of accuracy.
Recommended machines

Machines with standard, medium or high capacity

Customized and Turnkey

Custom built to your specifications​

We design and manufacture complete production lines to the needs, desires and circumstances of customers all over the world. With our expertise in pastry equipment we are able to meet all your needs and find the best possible solution.



Together we will look at your requirements with regard to the required machine and the products to be produced. On the basis of this information, our technical draftsmen go to work, after which we will present you the customized solution.

Bakon is your partner in customized and turnkey solutions to optimize your production processes.

Desserts, yoghurts, creams and mouses
Plant based products

BAKON designs and manufactures

Standardized and customized spraying machines cutting machines depositing machines

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